The Manage Environments area is used for adding and removing logical groupings that the TM1 models reside in. On first install it is recommended that you create environments for all of the models that you ae documented – e.g. Production & Non-Production environments.
Environments enable the navigation of QUBEdocs across models and drive which models are shown in environment diagrams. By selecting the “Manage Environments” option in the left-hand pane you can create a new environment. Once added, the environment will be selectable when setting up connections.
Environment Mappings
When working with multiple models in QUBEdocs, the environment mappings area will be available to document and set relationships that exist between the different models within an environment. Once defined, relationships will be shown between the models and navigation through the models will be possible.
Mappings between the models are flagged as either “Automatic” or “Manual.”
- Automatic - An Automatic Mapping is created when an interface file exists between two models to transfer data across. QUBEdocs requires that a TurboIntegrator process exists on a source TM1 server which writes a text file to disk and that a corresponding TurboIntegrator process exists on a target TM1 server with the same file set as its data source. Note that the paths need to be specified in the same way for the models to be mapped.
- Manual – A manual mapping can be set by an administrative user when a logical relationship exists between models which involves a manual process to transfer data across. For example, to map the interaction between the PL cube from the QDDev model and the Capital cube from the SmartcoDev model, the selections were made as shown below.
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