The change analysis area allows you to analyze changes to a model over time or to evaluate differences between environments. This can be launched by selecting the Change Analysis menu item in the left hand pane. Once launched, users will be able to see the main version selection page as shown below.
Note that the baseline version typically refers to the one that has the least amount of change - the one that you are comparing against and the revised version refers to the one that has been modified - either based on elapsed time or due to development activities.
Navigating the Change Report
To make navigating through the Change Report easier, there are some key features to take note of, these are explained below:
Breadcrumb navigation
Breadcrumb navigation is displayed at the top of the page and is useful for getting back to the previous screen or summary page by selecting the appropriate link.
Change Documentation Summary
The Change Documentation home page shows the version comparison details and a summary of the changes. The version details identify important information about the two versions of the model / documentation that are being compared, whilst the Summary of Changes section gives an overview of how many objects have been added, omitted and modified. From here, the user can click on the relevant object type (cubes, dimensions, chores and processes) to navigate to the detailed change report pages. The difference scores are explained in the screenshot. Essentially a higher score indicates more change.
Note that:
- "New" refers to objects which are on the revised version but not on the baseline.
- "Missing" refers to objects that are on the baseline environment but are not on the revised version.
- "Different" refers to objects in both environments which are different.
Object Change Summary Reports
The change summary reports for each primary TM1 object follows the same layout. They highlight all of the objects that have changed, that is, those that have been added, omitted and modified. It is used for understanding the degree of change and for navigating to detail behind the modifications. The report is given below:
Upon selecting a modification, users are redirected to the Detailed Changes screen for that object. This contains:
- A side by side comparison - Used to view the differences between the two versions
- An inline comparison - This shows the mark-up for changes with relevant highlights and cross-outs
Note that whether or not the mark-up is turned on or off by default is determined in the profile and right hand menu settings. Once turned on, any "addition", i.e. additional objects, textual, changes to timestamps, etc., highlighted in yellow, "omitted" content is crossed out with strikethrough text.
You can check whether or not the mark-up is turned on for changes by examining the right hand preferences menu as follows:
When turned on, changes will be highlighted yellow as follows:
When turned off just the side by side comparison will be available as follows:
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