Problem (Abstract)
The generation of very large QUBEdocs metadata packages (QDPackage.7z files) may timeout before they finish and an "Error" message may be written to the connection status field.
When a package takes longer than 30 minutes to generate a documentation version will not be produced due to connection timeout. While most packages finish in under 30 minutes, if models have an unusually large number of files in the package (i.e. more than 20,000 files) or a high volume of complex rule or TurboIntegrator process files they may exceed the generation window and the timeout will occur.
Resolving the problem
Code fix required. Scheduled for the Wed 25th October refresh.
As a workaround, files such as subset (*.sub) and view (*.vue) files could be removed manually from the QDPackage.7z file to reduce the processing time.
Closed on Thurs 26th October.
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