This guide will show you how to automatically back up your model while you generate documentation with QUBEdocs.
The first step is to create an export of the application you wish to document through the Shared Services Console. In this example we'll be backing up the Hyperion Planning application World
Next you need to go to the directory the LCM export was created and create a copy of the file Export.xml and call it QUBEdocs_Export.xml.
Open QUBEdocs_Export in a text editor
and change the username and password to your login details, don't worry this will be hashed after you generate documentation for the first time.
Now it's time to move over to the QUBEdocs Connector. Select the connection you wish to backup and go to the Planning Applications tab.
You will need to fill in the path to the file Utility.bat which is will be in the Bin directory of your Hyperion Planning instance.
For example. this is what we configured it too.
Once you've configured this path, all you need to do is click the two check boxes under each application you wish to backup
At this point it would make sense to schedule your documentation, instructions on how to do so can be found here
Finally, click save.
All of your exports will be available under \import_export\backups
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