Once you have uploaded your logfile package (see Uploading Logfiles article for details), you are able to view the logfile analysis.
On the tile for the model you wish to analyze, and click View - logs.
The analysis page will open in a new screen. The default report page opens to TM1 Server Activity
You are able to navigate to any other of the five analysis reports by using the drop down in the top centre of the tool bar.
On each report you have the ability to Filter the events shown, by both field and date.
Filter By Field
To filter by field, select the Add a filter button in the top left corner.
Expand the Fields list and select the field you wish to filter by. (in this example we will filter by Level - 'Error')
Select Level from the list, and set the Operator to 'To'. Type the Value as Error and click Save. You are able to name this filter if you wish.
You will now see the filter appear in the top left corner and all data shown will update to reflect the change.
You can Edit or Delete this filter by hovering over it and selecting the symbol for the action you wish to execute.
Filters can also created by drilling down on an entry. Drilling down on one of the Logger's (for example - Chores), creates a filter to only view that Logger in the report. All other aspects of the report change to reflect this and the user is able to get detailed insights into all entries impacting Chores.
Filter By Date
The date range shown in the top right corner of the report will be automatically set to a range predetermined by the logfile contents.
You may wish to change this in order to get a more accurate view of events. In some cases, the date range may span several months, but all the activity occurs only within a few weeks. By adding a date filter you are able to focus in on the data that matters.
To change this, and filter on the report by date, select the current dates drop down at the top right of the report.
You will be shown a visualisation of the dates currently selected. You can change these to a new custom range by selecting the date in the visualisation, or by typing in the top bars. Alternatively you can select one of the generic options along the right hand side.
Select Apply to apply your new date filter.
You can use the date filter to compare days and spot differences between activities performed.
For example comparing Processes Run between two days:
Using Search Functionality
The Logfile Analysis can be filtered on by using the inbuilt search functionality. Using the search bar at the top of the screen, type in a keyword that you wish to use to distinguish logfile entries. In the example below I have used the keyword "changed".
The report then refreshes to only include logfile entries that have the word changed in their dialogue.
Analyzing Visualisations
The visualisations in the Logfile Analysis can provide a view of how events have occurred over time.
If you wish to gain a more detailed view of the events shown, you can highlight the entries you wish to drill down on.
The visualisation will then update to reflect the change.
This provides you with a more effective view of the data you wish to see.
Hovering over an entry can provide further insights to the data.
Failed log in attempts are distinguished by blue highlighting. Successful log in attempts are green.
Analyzing Event Entries
With no filters applied, the server log shows a complete list of all logfile entries from your latest logfile upload. By default these are ordered from the most recent to oldest, and show information on the exact time, level, logger and event details.
All data entry list items can be drilled down on for further analysis. Hover over the item you wish to drill down on and click the + icon when it appears. This will update the report to only show entries with that same item name.
Server Log event entries can also be expanded to show more detail. Select the drop down arrow on the entry you wish to analyze.
By default, it opens in the Table view, showing the following list of details for the one event entry. This provides you with a simple analysis of the event details, compared to the in-comprehensive details you find in the logfile script.
View Surrounding Documents
In some cases you may wish to see the events that occurred previously or after the event you have selected. To do so, select the View surrounding documents button at the top of the expanded event entry.
The page will refresh to show the 5 entries on either side of the event. Even if a filter had been applied originally, the surrounding entries that populate will load regardless of the filter set.
This feature gives users the ability to narrow down on the events that occurred directly before an error event, hopefully providing useful insights into the possible causes.
Expanding Sections
Some sections can be viewed more clearly if you expand them. Hover over the top right corner of a section you wish to expand. Click the expansion icon when it appears.
Select the same icon to close the expansion window.
Downloading Content - Raw and Unformatted
All sections containing lines of data (all sections except visualisations), are able to be download and saved. In some cases, you may need to use the scroll bar to navigate to the download options.
Both options create and download a .csv file containing the data shown in the section.
Logging Levels Measure
The Levels measure enable you to distinguish logfile entries by level. The possible levels are INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR or FATAL.
The meanings of these are as follows;
INFO: Informational messages that highlight the progress of the application and report normal transitions within the application. Examples: "Server is ready", "Loading dimension..."
DEBUG: Detailed, technical messages that are useful when customer support or engineering need to debug the application. Examples: "SSL Connection opened", "Removing SQL Connection from memory"
WARN: A potentially harmful situation or condition of which you should be aware. Action may be required, but operation of the server is not interrupted. Example: "Attempt to add a new group exceeded the limit on group creation"
ERROR: An error condition of which you should be aware. Action should be taken to fix or report the issue to customer support. The error may be so severe that the server shuts down or it may result in the current client request being canceled. Examples: "Error connecting to remote machine", "Failed to create a cube"
FATAL: A very severe error event that will possibly cause the server to shut down or result in the current client request being canceled. You should immediately take action to fix the issue and report the event to customer support.
Logging Type Measure
The logger type measure identifies the component in TM1 that the event effected.
The more common logger types include TM1.Server, TM1.Dimension, TM1.Cube, TM1.Login, TM1.Process, TM1.Chore and TM1.Rule.
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